Nature-based Solutions Bangladesh

"Communities within Bangladesh have been working with nature for many years to adapt to climatic impacts and there is a rich body of knowledge on how to implement Nature-based Solutions."

The session brought a group of panelists with diverse backgrounds from Bangladesh and Peru.

Session at the Gobeshona Global Conference 2

11th May 2022

International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), Nature-based Solutions Initiative (NBSI) at the University of Oxford and Instituto de MontaƱa (NBSI Peru) organized a session on “How can we Build Back Better with Nature? - Understanding the Economic Recovery Potential (ERP) of Nature-based Solutions (NbS)” on 29 March 2022. This particular session on NbS in the Gobeshona aims at understanding and exploring the economic recovery potential (ERP) of Nature-based Solutions (NbS). The session brought a group of panelists with diverse backgrounds from Bangladesh and Peru where they fostered a critical discussion on what building back better should mean, and the role nature-based solutions or more broadly speaking, investments in nature, have to play.

Watch the session recording.
Read the session summary.